Leaflets & Cards

Leaflets & Cards

For those who wish to take advantage of our ongoing 2 to 1 matching funds opportunity and bring the Be Fair Be Vegan campaign to their (or another) location, a full set of Be Fair Be Vegan materials will be provided, including brochures, leaflets and posters, as well as banners and t-shirts. We can also provide Be Fair Be Vegan materials to independent activists who are prepared to cover the cost of printing and shipping. For an idea of the cost, please visit VistaPrint and email us for details. Leaflet size: 3.74″ x 8.27″. Card size: 4″x6″

If you wish to help us make Be Fair Be Vegan literature available to activists who can’t afford the cost, please consider making a contribution today. Thank you!

The reverse reads:

Every Year, Millions of Newborns Are Killed for Their Mothers’ Milk

Babies born to females used for milk production are torn from their mothers shortly after birth so humans can consume her milk.

Most are barely hours old, umbilical cord still attached, coat still slick from birth fluids, legs wobbly, eyes unfocused. They are frightened. They are defenseless. They cry pitifully for their mothers.

Having achieved their only “purpose” — that of getting their mothers to lactate — the males are considered waste products because they don’t produce milk, and are to be sold for “veal” either soon after birth, or four to six motherless months later, while the females tagged “replacers” are raised in isolation to take the place of their own “spent” mothers in the line of production.

Only months old, the calves used for “veal” are forced into trucks and shipped to slaughter. As they are dragged onto the killing floor, these frail babies are still looking for their mothers, still desperately needing her comfort and nurture, especially at that dark time when they are surrounded by the terrible sights, sounds, and scents of death and, in their despair, in their want for a shred of consolation and protection, many will try to suckle the fingers of their killers.

Organic or not, dairy production is based on separating mother and child and ultimately sending both to slaughter. Non-vegan consumers demand and perpetuate this injustice with their purchases.

You can help end it.


The reverse reads:

Every Year, Millions of Mothers Are Torn from Their Newborn Babies

Some try to fight off the attackers, some try to shield their babies with their own bodies, some chase frantically after the transport, some cry pitifully, some withdraw in silent despair. Some go trustingly with their keepers only to return to an empty stall.

They all beg for their babies in language that requires no translation. They bellow, they cry, they moan. They search feverishly. Many continue to call for days on end. Some stop eating and drinking. Others refuse to give up and return to the empty spot again and again. Some withdraw in silent grief.

After 4-6 cycles of forced pregnancy, painful birth, violent child loss, grieving, (over)lactation, and milking by machines — their bodies break, their spirit wilts, their milk production drops, and they are considered “spent”.

At the age when, in nature, they would barely enter adulthood, the life of a dairy cow is over. As soon as her milk production declines, she is shipped to slaughter along with her other “spent” herd mates.

Many of these broken mothers are suffering from one or more of the diseases that commonly afflict dairy herds, such as mastitis, lameness, infections, or pink eye. Many are pregnant. Most are still producing milk for babies they were never allowed to nurse. All of them are young adults. As they are prodded towards their death, they drip milk onto the killing floor.

Organic or not, milk comes from a grieving mother. Non-vegan consumers demand and perpetuate this injustice with their purchases.

You can help end it.


The reverse reads:

Male Chicks Are Killed the Day They Hatch because They Don’t Lay Eggs

Incubated by machines and born motherless in industrial hatcheries, the male chicks’ short time on earth is filled with fear, bewilderment, and pain, as workers push them through the grim stages of their life’s journey from incubator to mass grave: sorting, sexing, slaughter.

As they are tossed about from hatching drawer, to conveyor belt, to sorting tray, to the bone breaking jaws of a grinder, or the agony of the gas chamber, or the horror of the smothering bag, or the slow death in a dumpster filled with the dead and dying bodies of their brothers, these newborns never stop cheeping for mothers they never knew.

If the chicks are hatched on the egg farm, the males in each clutch are killed on the farm with “a sharp pair of shears, or a knife at the neck, or an axe and a chopping block”, as soon as their sex becomes apparent, usually as adolescents.

To the egg producer, the males and the sick or injured female hatchlings are “waste” to be discarded by the cheapest means possible.

“Cage-free” or not, egg production is based on the mass killing of male chicks and, ultimately, the mass killing of the hens themselves when their ability to over-produce eggs declines, at around 18 months of age, and they are considered “spent” .

Non-vegan consumers demand and perpetuate this injustice with their purchases.

You can help end it.


The reverse reads:

Forced to Lay Hundreds of Eggs a Year, Laying Hens Commonly Suffer from Crippling and Often Fatal Reproductive Diseases

Genetically manipulated to produce an unnaturally large number of abnormally large eggs, laying hens suffer from a host of crippling reproductive diseases, many of which can be fatal. These include egg binding, uterine prolapse, tumors of the oviduct, peritonitis, osteoporosis, ovarian cancer. The rate of ovarian cancer is so high in laying hens that they are considered “ideal” models for studying human ovarian cancer.

Like all animal agriculture, egg production is predicated on discarding the “unprofitable” individuals. This includes the male chicks, who are killed the day they hatch because they don’t lay eggs; the sick or injured female chicks; the parents who are killed and replaced with younger “breeding stock” after approximately one year; and the hens themselves when their ability to over-produce eggs declines, at around 18 months of age, and they are considered “spent”.

These young hens are either gassed to death, smothered with fire extinguisher foam, trucked to “low priority” slaughter, or simply left to die in landfills, only to be replaced with a group of younger, more profitable victims.

“Cage-free” or not, eggs are the product of enormous suffering. To consume eggs, even from rescued hens, is to reward, legitimize, and perpetuate this suffering.

You can help end it.


In terms of their right to justice, all sentient beings are equal. They not only have a moral right to life and freedom from abuse; they have an equal right.

— Joan Dunayer

Animal slavery is the most widespread and socially accepted injustice of all time. In today’s ‘civilized’ society, billions upon billions of sentient beings are used to serve human purposes, just like inanimate objects or human slaves, and their owners are legally entitled to subject them to many forms of barbaric cruelty, all in the name of profit, convenience, or pleasure.

As consumers, we have the power to demand an end to the use of animals as commodities and resources.

The pandemic of violence in the world calls to us to reevaluate our relationship with non-human animals – who are victims of the most extreme forms of our collective violence – and to recognize that they are no more meant to be our possessions than are people with different colored skin, women, children, or any other living beings.

They too, are individuals who value their lives, feel pain, fear death, and have a right to live free from oppression.

